low latency.audio

Making music with low-latency
in the New Jersey Gay Men’s Chorus

Adapted from Mudd Talks: Friday, 2021 November 12

For an extensive collection of examples of music-making using Soundjack, see Dr. Ian Howell et al.'s examples at 🔊 demos. For examples of music-making using JackTrip, Jamulus, and Soundjack, see the examples linked on the homepage.



“If it works, it will allow us to do rehearsals with minimal delays … without muting yourself. That’s the dream.”

Attributed to Artistic Director Sarah Michal
Minutes of the NJGMC Artistic Committee
Monday, 2020 November 16


Credits, blooper, & epilogue

Thank you to the members of the New Jersey Gay Men's Chorus and also to the members of the Soundjack facebook group who supported our journey with low-latency. Helpful people (including Alex Carôt and Ian Howell) are cited at 15til.com.

A couple of us in the New Jersey Gay Men's Chorus continue to rehearse (and socialize) on Soundjack and LiveLab about twice a week!


Q1: How did you deal with the question of getting a wide swath of singers to adopt the new technology?

Q2: Costs of software and time costs to make it work as desired

Q3:How does Soundjack compare to Jamulus?

Q4: Where do you see the work going in the future?